My eBay Store

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meat on the Bone

Baking seemed to be the theme of this weekend's ThrHaul.  I found a bag of plastic cookie cutters at Saver's for $3.19 and there were quite a few collectibles inside including the Wilton Batman set shown above.  A similar set recently sold for $30. The Wilton clowns shown below were also in the bag.

I also scooped up a vintage Wilton 3-D Wedding Bell cake pan for $3.19.  Already flipped it for $19.95. 

As I perused the aisles of Saver's I kept thinking of an episode of American Pickers I just watched. If you haven't seen the show, you should check it out. It's on the History Channel, but I also watch it on Hulu.  Anyway, in this particular episode Mike was looking through a bunch of stuff and commenting that he couldn't pay the prices because he's a "picker" and he needs to have "meat on the bone" so that he can sell his pick and still make some coin.  So this was my mantra as I thrifted last weekend "meat on the bone." And it helped me pass by a nice L.L. Bean coat for $9.99 and a beautiful pair of girl's cowboy boots from Nordstrom for $14.99.  Not sure if there was enough margin for me to make a buck.  I'm fairly confident, however, that there was enough meat on the Nanette Lepore dress I paid $4.99 for.  It goes to auction on Sunday.  Will keep you posted...

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